

How to Solve Redirect Errors on Blogger in 2023.

Title: How to Solve Redirect Errors on Blogger


Blogger is a popular platform for creating and managing blogs, but like any website, it can sometimes encounter issues, such as redirect errors. Redirect errors can be frustrating for both bloggers and their readers, as they disrupt the user experience and can negatively impact a website's search engine rankings. In this article, we will explore common redirect errors on Blogger and provide step-by-step solutions to help you resolve them.

What is a Redirect Error?

A redirect error occurs when a webpage tries to load, but instead of displaying the intended content, it redirects to another page or shows an error message. Redirect errors can be caused by various factors, including misconfigured settings, broken links, or changes to the website's structure. Here are some common redirect errors you might encounter on Blogger:

1. Error 404 (Page Not Found): This error occurs when a webpage that should exist cannot be found on the server.

2. Error 301 (Permanent Redirect): This error indicates that a webpage has been permanently moved to a different URL.

3. Error 302 (Temporary Redirect): This error suggests that a webpage has been temporarily redirected to another URL.

4. Infinite Redirect Loop: In this case, the webpage keeps redirecting to itself, causing an endless loop.

Now, let's discuss how to solve these redirect errors on Blogger:

#Solving Redirect Errors on Blogger

 1. Fix Broken Links

Broken links are a common cause of redirect errors. To fix this issue:

- Log in to your Blogger dashboard.

- Go to the "Posts" or "Pages" section.

- Review your posts/pages for broken links and update or remove them.

- Save your changes.

2. Update Permalink Settings

Incorrect permalink settings can also lead to redirect errors. To update them:

- From your Blogger dashboard, go to "Settings" and select "Search preferences."

- Under "Permalink," choose "Custom" and select a more meaningful structure, such as "Month and name" or "Post name."

- Save your settings.

3. Check for Custom Redirects

If you've set up custom redirects and they're causing problems, you can remove or update them:

- Go to "Settings" and select "Search preferences."

- Under "Errors and redirections," review your custom redirects and make any necessary changes or deletions.

4. Examine HTML/JavaScript Widgets

If you've added HTML or JavaScript widgets that might be causing redirects:

- Go to "Layout" in your Blogger dashboard.

- Review the widgets in your blog's layout and look for any code that might be causing redirects.

- Remove or fix the problematic page

5. Check External Links

External links to your blog can sometimes lead to redirect errors if the linked websites change their structure. Monitor your external links and update them when necessary.

6. Inspect Template Code

Sometimes, issues with your Blogger template can cause redirect errors. To check your template code:

- Go to "Theme" in your Blogger dashboard.

- Click "Edit HTML" and review your template code for any suspicious or incorrect code.

- Correct any issues and save your template.

7. Submit Sitemaps to Google

After resolving redirect errors, it's crucial to notify search engines of the changes to your blog's structure. You can do this by submitting your sitemap to Google through Google Search Console.

 8. Test Your Blog

After making changes, always test your blog to ensure the redirect errors are resolved. Try accessing different pages and posts to verify that they load correctly.


Redirect errors on Blogger can be frustrating, but with patience and the right steps, they can be resolved. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you can improve your blog's user experience, maintain good SEO, and ensure that your readers can access your content without interruption. Remember that regular maintenance and monitoring of your blog are essential to catch and address redirect errors promptly.

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